More Information for Owners

BLR is a carefully curated directory for inspired boutique luxury retreats in the UK. 

How Does It Work?

Your retreat will be part of a carefully curated and limited directory of Boutique Luxury Retreats in the UK, with a limited number of retreats per collection, which means your fabulous retreat will always stand out and be found. If a guest wants to book, they will be taken directly to your own website or you will receive a simple email enquiry. BLR will link your social media accounts directly to any online marketing and social media campaigns which feature your retreat.

  1. The Concept, A niche listings website representing JUST boutique and luxury UK retreats

We’re not an agency, we’re a niche directory with search functionality and limited retreats per collection. If a guest wants to book your retreat, they will be taken to your own booking page or you will receive a simple email enquiry to your inbox. We’re not trying to overcomplicate what is essentially an exclusive directory of holiday retreats. We will monitor your click throughs and enquiries, so you know how much traffic we generate for your website and bookings.

Retreat owners pay an annual listings fee to be one of a small collection of retreats. For example, your retreat may fit perfectly into a ‘dog friendly retreat in the Cotswolds’ or a ‘romantic retreat one hour from London’. Our collections are well thought out using search terms your guests want to use.

We’re an exclusive listings directory, not an exclusive agency, which means no commission and instead a cost effective way to advertise, get bookings and reduce your costs.

How do we help you?

Carefully curated collections stand out, Targeted SEO

With our focused and niche SEO strategy, we achieve a global reach through our website. When a guest finds BLR, they find YOU.

Guests will find your retreat because they are searching specifically for a retreat like yours in the UK.

Using the Experts

We use the best professionals to run our PR, marketing campaigns and paid advertising. 

Working in partnership, social media

BLR has an engaged and active audience looking for boutique luxury retreats like yours.

We love that you’re independent and we will work with you to build your own social media presence and your own brand, linking your social media accounts to any online marketing and social media campaigns about your retreat(s).

Limited collections, means unlimited and social media coverage, as compared to other larger listing websites, where often fabulous retreats get lost in the crowd.

Because we’re a limited collection, we can offer immediate marketing of last minute availability or offers for your fabulous retreats.

We are able to help you develop your own social media brand by connecting you to successful travel influencers who will work together with you to improve your content, engagement and followers.

Run by Owners for Owners

BLR understand the ever challenging market conditions and changes, because we are seasoned owners of boutique luxury retreats in the UK. We’re working with you to achieve optimum levels of occupancy and save on agency fees.

Making it easy and simple for you to be independent with increased income

If you need help moving away from an agency, but you’re not sure how to do it, we can help you. We will share BLR’s Little Black Book. Major sections include: Professional Photographs, Building a simple website, back end booking functionality, social media set up, growth and influencer support.  

Q & A

  1. What if I use an agency for some bookings as well as having my own website to take independent bookings? If you have a joint agency / direct bookings model, we are happy to link up to your chosen booking system, so that any bookings from us are taken directly.
  2. What if I don’t have a website for you to link to? We can help you set up a website for minimal cost and you can purchase our little BLR black book with advice and supplier recommendations of how to do this.
  3. What if I have a website but it doesn’t allow online bookings? We can either help you set this functionality up with some of our Little Black Book recommendations, or we can send booking requests to your chosen booking process, such as your airbnb page.  
  4. Should I only use one listings directory? As owners ourselves, we recommend that you use using a combination of listing Directories. We are always happy to provide  supplier recommendations.
  5. What does BLR look for in a retreat to be part of a collection? Each collection is different, aswell as being boutique and luxury, your retreat needs to have that something special WOW factor and perfect for the collection it’s joining.
  6. What do I need to submit to become a BLR retreat? Use the contact form to provide your contact details, name of retreat, website link and a short description of your retreat. We will get in touch with you within 48 working hours.
  7. What happens if you don’t think my retreat is right to join a BLR collection? We can’t accept every retreat, because this would defeat the point of being a limited collection. We work with lots of other directories ourselves and will always recommend other options to advertise through.

    Apply to join our Collection

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